
Yu Zhiyong, director of the intellectual property Bureau of 2017-09-18 Share to:

In May 26th, Yu Zhiyong, director of the Intellectual Property Office of the province, came to my company to investigate and investigate the patent application of the enterprise. Kong Lumin, director of intellectual property rights bureau of Heze municipality and deputy director of Heze Development Zone Management Committee, accompanied the expedition. Zhao Chenglong, general manager of the company, detailed report on our patent application and R & D work.

Yu Zhiyong, director of the Provincial Bureau of intellectual property rights, entered the R & D center to learn about the R & D situation

Zhao Chenglong, general manager, reports on the company's patent applications

Yu Zhiyong, director of the Intellectual Property Office of the province, listened to our patent application and R & D report, and gave a high opinion of our company's patent applications and achievements in R & D.
Heald Yuan Zhanbing

? 2012-2022 Shandong YuHuang New Energy Techology Co.,Ltd    魯ICP備17034910號(hào)-1

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