
Lithium ion batteries


    Energy storage sys
    Electric vehicle system
  • Energy storage sys
  • Electric vehicle system

    Graphene powder
    This product is based on our company independent research and development of graphene powder production technology, with oxidation control, size contro...
    Graphene oxide slurry
    This product is based on our companys independent research and development of graphene powder, water and graphene prepared by the high degree of pre-di...
    Graphene powder
    This product is based on the graphene powder production technology (with intellectual property) developed by our company's graphene-carbon material tea...
    Graphene slurry
    This product uses the materialization method to uniformly disperse the graphene powder in N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) solvent and add the appropriate...

  • Graphene powder

  • Graphene oxide slurry

  • Graphene powder

  • Graphene slurry
Products and Applications

New energy bus

New energy bus

Changed by the battery alone to achieve "zero" emissions. To solve the energy consumption of large air-conditioning

New energy vehicle

New energy vehicle

New energy vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), pure electric vehicles (BEV, including solar cars)

New energy solar panels

New energy solar panels

Single solar cells can not be used directly to power. Power supply must be a number of single battery strings

New energy power

New energy power

Wind power generation technology is more mature, stand-alone capacity continues to increase, wind turbine technology

? 2012-2022 Shandong YuHuang New Energy Techology Co.,Ltd    魯ICP備17034910號-1

Technical Support:QIANHWANGLUO
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