
Graphene powder

  • Graphene slurry
  • Graphene powder
  • Graphene oxide slurry
  • Graphene powder
  • Specifications

    This product is based on our company independent research and development of graphene powder production technology, with oxidation control, size control, simple process, low cost and low energy consumption advantages.

    Product parameters
    Exterior Dark yellow or brown powder
    Carbon to oxygen ratio 2.0-2.5
    Metal ion content ≤20ppm
    Single layer rate ≥95%
    Particle sizeD50 ≤15μm

    Graphene powder has amphiphilic, from the edge of the sheet to the center of the hydrophilic - hydrophobic distribution, with good dispersion, mainly for plastic, rubber, resin, carbon fiber, lithium-ion battery, solar cells, super capacitors, Carriers and new coatings and other fields.

    ? 2012-2022 Shandong YuHuang New Energy Techology Co.,Ltd    魯ICP備17034910號-1

    Technical Support:QIANHWANGLUO
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